History of HARMONIE Festival

Intentions of the festival

Participations in the “International Musical Eisteddfod“ in Llangollen (Wales) in the years 1957 and 1959 laid the foundation for the HARMONIE FESTIVAL.

During these trips the singers experienced international understanding and interhuman relationships supported through this festival. Based on these experiences the idea grew to welcome guests from all over the world at an international music festival in Lindenholzhausen someday. Motivated by this basic idea HARMONIE Lindenholzhausen decided to have their own international choir and folklore festival in Lindenholzhausen in 1981 for the first time.

This was followed by six more festivals in 1987, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2011 and 2017.
The HARMONIE FESTIVAL considers itself as being a festival of peace, friendship and international understanding.

Most of the participating choirs and groups stay with host choirs in the surroundings of approximately 100 kilometres. So they live the idea of the festival of peace and friendship among the people of different nationalities and cultures. Lasting friendships across borders develop through the competitions, concerts and folklore performances. All members of HARMONIE Lindenholzhausen, friends and other helpers work on a honorary basis for the festival.
In the meantime the HARMONIE FESTIVAL ranks as one of the biggest and most renowned festivals in the world.

More than 200 choirs and folklore groups with a total of 6.000 participants representing 35 nations, took part in the 7th HARMONIE FESTIVAL in 2017. The competitions in 29 categories, the festival concerts and folkore performances were of the highest international standard.

The HARMONIE FESTIVALS’s worldwide high degree of fame offers the opportunity to foster the musical variety. Due to the expansion of the competitive categories for all varieties of choirs, they all get the opportunity to perform on an internationally excellent platform.

Patron of the HARMONIE FESTIVAL 1981 was Holger Börner, former prime minister of the German Federal State of Hesse. In the years 1987, 1993 and 1999 it was Dr. Helmut Kohl, former Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. 2005 and 2011 it were the current Federal Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany, Gerhard Schröder (2005) and Dr. Angela Merkel (2011). Patron of the HARMONIE FESTIVAL 2017 was the prime minister of the German Federal State of Hesse, Volker Bouffier.

A very special atmoshpere prevails at the HARMONIE FESTIVAL through the folkgroups in their colourful costumes and their spontaneous performances on the fetivalground. Festival experts know about the ideational value of interhuman encounters, the experiences and spontaneous friendships that take place in the collective dancing, singing and making music. A fascinating and inspiring atmoshpere is created that captivates all visitors of the festival.

Another speciality is the jury of the folklore competitions. It consist of members of the groups taking part in the competition. Each group sends one member to the jury. Through this a highly mutual acceptance and a strong sense of community is achieved. The idea of competing is thus pushed into the background in favour of the friendly cooperation.